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To be autonomous in your trades in just 2 hours

We have set up a possibility for you to join me live.

If you have questions about cryptocurrencies, indicators, analysis of one or more cryptos, crypto cycles, halvings, if you have technical questions about ETORO, indicator settings, etc. , you can reach me directly by phone or skype, and I will answer all your questions live in a personalized way.

Opening hours from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. French time.

This pack can save you a lot of time and money, but also will help you improve

your knowledge of cryptos.

This pack will allow you to know everything about crypto trading, on ETERO in particular, and in just 2 hours of training.

You will then be autonomous in carrying out your trades.


The "live analysis" pack is 49 euros for 1 hour of training.

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Réunions B2B ou B2C possibles à partir de 699 euros la 1/2 journée 

Vous pouvez me contacter pour animer vos conférences, shows télévisés, ou réunions privés d'entreprises ou entre amis, autour du sujet de la cryptomonnaie ou du bitcoin..

Contactez-moi, nous étudierons vos demandes ! 

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